PS5 vs Xbox Series X: Specs Comparison

Given Sony's track record for the past 3 years (PlayStation Now vs Game Pass, their unwillingness to commit to cross play, lack of support for 1440p) and now this, I'm seriously considering switching for the first time since the PS1. Microsoft consistently makes up for it's initial flop of the Xbox One in every way.

Better hardware, more exclusives, better relationship with indie devs, a better sense of consumer value, etc. all paint a pretty clear picture. At this point Sony seems to have become lazy in their generational success. The way they marketing and presented this reveal is embarrassing. If the PS5 isn't substantially cheaper than the Series X, I'll be switching.

The only thing keeping me from commiting to the switch, oddly enough, is my Game Pass subscription on PC, where I've spent most of my time lately enjoying an affordable and fantastic selection for dirt cheap during my quarantine nightmare.

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