PSA: We know about the fucking TST lawsuit you cunts.

Listen, regardless in your view on tst, I think people are misunderstanding why they would choose to be upset about this. Lucien clearly has a record for being kinda dramatic, who cares.

Imo, this goes beyond being upset about satanic panic, and gets into discussing not copywriting the likeness of baphomet, but that specific statue. From my understanding, an artist was commissioned to create that statue, which mean someone out there put real time, money, and effort, in to creating a likeness of what they believed that statue should look like.

The sabrina statue is not just a likeness, it is a rip off an actual art piece that was created for a specific place for a specific reason.

If sabrina had chosen to create their own likeness of baphomet that did not eerily look super similar to the one they commissioned, I really doubt there would be a problem. There are literally thousands of ways to interpret baphomet.

Again, they are clearly being dramatic and have a record for doing so, however, I state again- no one has the intention of copywriting baphomet in general. Just that statue in particular.

To me, that means it goes beyond how anyone personally feels about how tst is ran, and it gets into questioning how you specifically feel about artistic copywrite.

Im not personally a huge fan of tst, but they are just another institution more than anything, and I don't think they are causing any harm by choosing to behave this way.

That's just my two cents as an artist.

/r/satanism Thread