PSA: A BiS Tank is i362. So set your PF's accordingly.

Half of Reddit is debating BiS and arguing over a 0.1% stat difference, and the other half is saying "When do we get some hard content?" I don't know whether to think things are crazy hard or really easy.

I mean, I've done a couple EX's before, and it's the same as anything, you just need to know what to do. There's just more to figure out than regular dungeons, and mistakes are more costly.

It's the people that scare me... I assume I'm going to get screamed at if I tank in tank stance for one GCD too many, or if I have anything less than an orange? purple? whatever parse is best. "Know all mechanics" is a given in a learning party, so obviously it's on me for not knowing that.

Okay, I'm just being a Negative Nancy and venting. I'm paranoid, is all.

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