[PSA] For those balking at 200 Div, Replica Headhunter is pretty darn solid

Let me describe a person:

They play PoE a couple hours a day, 3-4 days a week, maybe a few more hours on a weekend. By the end of the first month, they're done playing the league. They've played past week 5 in one league, ever.

At no point in the league do they do any high-end crafting (or crafting at all beyond the occasional essence spam).
At no point in the league do they juice maps beyond alch and go and occasionally use one scarab.
At no point in the league do they do any kind of spam farming of specific content (e.g. blight maps, pinnacle bosses, logbooks, etc.).

This person plays 8-12 hours a week tops and 90% of their play is alch+go maps.

Yes or no: Is the person I just described a casual player based on that description?

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