PSA: Be gentle on yourself, and others

i think you should also keep in mind that parents normally don't teach kids about fashion. I'm also an Asian who grew up with parents who would never spend money on my clothes. Whenever I asked for clothes for fashion rather than just for functionalities, my parents laughed it off just saying "As long as you're not naked, you're fine". And I could not accept that. I loved fashion. I loved to take care of myself and I hated to be made fun of for wearing same clothes for more than 3 days in a row. So, I skipped lunch, gave up snacks, gave up public transportation and instead I walked even tho sometimes it took hours to get to places just so I could save money to buy clothes. That was when I was 13. When I turned 15 I got my first job and worked 30+ hours per week sleeping only 3 to 4 hrs a day. I made sure I wear good clothes, I made sure I had my laptop and other things that I viewed as necessity that my parents didn't all the while I worked hard for all of my classes. I built myself up making many sacrifices and compromises. I understand why you would mention your parents and blame it on them but you could have done so much. You just weren't interested in fashion early on and that's just on you.

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