PSA: If a Leatherfaces facecamps with insidious and the hooked person even has kindres, DON'T TRY TO SAVE

I mean, the system is pretty fucked for as far as I'm concerned.
I've been in a match comparable to what the OP describes and I did 4 gens and opened 2 exit gates. All the while the killer was camping the hooks with the rest of the survivors running around not achieving anything but distraction for a few seconds (he killed 2 in the end).
I ended up having 3rd place in points that match and didn't even pip. You're pretty much forced into making stupid plays for points if you want to pip. It's not that I'm not altruistic but I'm not going to unhook someone with him right there camping and another idiot just laying there on the ground bleeding out.
I feel like they might just as well remove rank entirely at this point. I've only started playing a few weeks ago and it honestly feels like if you just spam games you'll rank up. I'm currently rank 13 and it doesn't really feel deserved.. just spam games and you'll gain more than you'll lose because it's pretty easy to still go 0 instead of -1 in rough games.

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