[PSA] Please, don't buy the Saipan if you don't know how to play CV.

OP, how about you think about this for a minute and don't act out because one dude did bad in his new ship, which is probably what lead to the creation of this thread, anyway...

  • this is not a psa. this is your personal, very selfish and also uneducated opinion.

  • Co-op games. people who buy their first cv or any other ship class that they have no experience in can queue up against bots first. that's what this game mode is there for. so an actual psa should be as follows: "if you buy the saipan without having played carriers before, please queue up some co-op games first to get the hang of it because you won't do sh*t in random battles which will hurt your team." now that would have been a nice way of saying it and also being supportive.

  • from my own experience, having only ever played the langley for two games or so before losing interest in playing carrier, i bought the saipan to give the ship class another chance and to play one in higher tiers. i figured out how to do alright in it after doing below average in my first 2 games. now i get about 50-80k dmg (not huge, whatever. but still taking out ships and fighters with the 2-2 layout, manually droping torps successfully) despite having basically no experience whatsoever in playing cv and also having to deal with cv sniping which i never experienced before. watching yt videos also helps. might as well also put that in the psa.

  • because i got this ship and played a few games in it, i'm now very interested in playing cvs and going down one of the available lines. so how is buying this ship a bad call for anyone who might want to play carriers like me but didn't enjoy the starting tier like the langley?

/r/WorldOfWarships Thread