PSA: Posterior tongue ties can make maintaining oral posture way harder/near impossible

I had the urge to call a dentist/ENT immediately after seeing this post too. But here are some more resources to consider before assuming you need surgery and depending on the severity of your tie (if it is, in fact, a true tie).

A tongue restriction isn’t always a tongue tie

Release your tongue fascia

I’m not debating the legitimate complications a tongue tie can cause or the effectiveness of a frenectomy. I just want to remind others not to get caught up in self-diagnosing, thinking this is their only option. I have seen some improvement in lifting the posterior third of my tongue and lifting my hyoid after performing tongue stretches. I plan on continuing these stretches for a period along with my normal bodywork (yoga, stretching, face and body massage) to before I turn to anything even slightly more drastic. Any tightness in your body will effect your posture and performance and can have a chain reaction. Bodywork is incredibly effective at releasing tension and relieving pain.

While I do show many symptoms of a posterior very well may not be one at all or be the cause of my restriction. My understanding is that what an intrusive posterior tie looks like varies person to person, what’s functional for one may not be for another.

All I’m saying is, consider everything. Don’t self-diagnose. Don’t obsess.

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