[PSA] Quit Evaluating Yourself Against the Liars On Social Media!

Hello internet stranger! Look, you're probably the first person in my entire life to call me condescending. I flat out told you I wanted more information, so I don't know where this assumption of me being condescending is coming from?

I was legitimately asking for you to educate me if I was being ignorant, and I wasn't trying to be dismissive of your goal. I never said your goal was a bad goal. Wanting to know what your motivations are doesn't mean i'm being condescending, I'm legitimately curious.

You're commenting on a post THAT I WROTE about how people need to be stop comparing themselves with dishonest social media personalities and pursue healthier and more realistic goals more aligned with their fitness.

I'm trying to have an honest dialogue about this stuff and you're taking it as an attack, so I don't know how I can proceed.

/r/xxfitness Thread Parent