[PSA] Quit Evaluating Yourself Against the Liars On Social Media!

Gatekeeping = the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something

Nobody is gatekeeping you by being curious about your motivation for a certain number RATHER THAN BODY FAT PERCENTAGE for weight loss.

In high school I was 110 pounds, I now have almost 110 pounds in lean mass after lifting naturally for over 10 years. For me to aim to be 110 pounds, it might be considered unhealthy because it's not feasible to be at less than 5% body fat as a woman for maintenance weight.

Were trying to have an open dialogue about healthy expectations and comparisons, not trying to come at you by just asking a question. Sorry my curiousity got confused for being condescending or gatekeeping.

I stand by my point that you might want to reevaluate "5-10kgs" of weight loss now that you've been lifting for 3 years. You probably have more muscle mass than you think.

/r/xxfitness Thread Parent