PSA: there is currently a breaking bug that allows items to be finished without too much effort, they are then resold for very high amounts and printed further for more profits.

Some of you might have seen that there are too many 3xt1 phys prefix weapons in the game at this point, these prefixes usually cost unimagineable amount of currency on average and only 4 3xt1 prefix weapons existed until about 2 months ago. But not only weapons, items are finished in a way they are not supposed to be finished.

Some of you might have noticed awakener's orb going up in price drastically in the last 2 days, that is the reason.

The trick is this. You get 2 bases, 1 base (the target) needs to have 2 mods such as t1 Increased physical damage (merciless) and the second mod needs to be Flaring (flat physical highest tear). Once you have it done you buy another weapon from the same base type but isn't the same one, you get the hybrid mod on it. Then you need to use an awakener's orb to transfer the hybrid mod onto the target item that already has 2x t1 rolls. You block prefixes on the target item then once you use the awakener orb it becomes 3XT1. This cant' be intended because this has been one of the most difficult crafts since ever and it pretty much allows items to have influence mod transferred into them.

This could not be an intentional mechanic (that it works with prefixes cannot be changed) beacuse we know how difficult ggg wants crafts to be.

The damage has already been done, but it's time to put an end to this before the game turns into a joke crafting wise. There have been like 10 3xt1 prefix weapons made since 2 days ago and including tailwind boots and other crafts that are very difficult.

/r/pathofexile Thread Link -