PsBattle: Live Auction Man and a Baby

Temporary PSA regarding mass downvoting of this comment

Before downvoting please take some time to understand the purpose of this comment and the rules of this subreddit.

Some people want to discuss the image, find a larger version or related threads, or post a cutout. This comment provides a place for those things, and gives thread-customized, automated links to point people in the right direction.

The removed comment above was MY OWN COMMENT, I removed it myself to ensure this comment nest is always at the bottom of the thread, which makes it easy to find, and prevents it from interfering with people making photoshops.

By downvoting this comment you hide all the comments below, which is not fair to someone who took the time to make a cutout, or to people looking for a cutout, who shouldn't have to click 'show hidden comments' just to find the cutout.

If you think that this comment in every thread doesn't contribute to the discussion (which is the only reason for downvoting on reddit) then please leave a comment explaining why you downvoted below, or feel free to message the mods and express your concerns.

Please post non-photoshop comments, found 'shops, cutouts, or requests as a reply to this message.

Helpful links for this image: Other Discussions | KarmaDecay | Google Image Search

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