I've tried an analogue of lsd a couple of times. It's a lot of fun, but make sure you've got the day free and the next day off (the primary effects on the tab I took lasted 10 hours, I couldn't sleep for about 14). Taking it during the day was really a blast, colours were really saturated and popping, and the visual oscillations were crazy. Make sure to have friends around, it's a fun experience, although I did enjoy taking time to myself for some self reflection. The analogue I took didn't offer much, however lsd definitely does and if you get some hands on some I've heard its beneficial.
As for mdma, it's a very fun experience. I've had the most euphoric experiences on md: dancing like there's no tomorrow, I've closed my eyes and completely spaced out (one of the only times I can recall being in a state of complete happiness), heart to heart chats with friends that have cemented relationships and plenty of self reflection. However, here are consequences, a comedown is like the aftermath of drinking, a hangover. You can take supplements before and after, which some people claim makes a big difference, but I've always found I inevitably end up with a come down. In some cases I've found its one of the worst states I've ever been in, I've felt depressed, exhausted and helpless. In my opinion it isn't worth the comedown now, however as I've taken it a fair few times this is probably due to some form of damage.
In my opinion, it'd be best to stick to the psychedelics if you were to go this route. The comedown from md can last days, so it'd in turn probably be counterproductive. You will still feel rough after psychedelics, however I've found this to be minimal compared to other drugs, alcohol etc. Make sure to do research if you are to follow through, there's great trip journals on Erowid, here or other sites which will give you an idea of dosage, time length, what to expect etc. I wish I did this when I first experimented, I'm lucky I didn't do myself too much damage to be honest.
Don't expect any drug to fix anything though, it's great for a bit of fun and to unwind, but at the end of the day you will still have to face your problems yourself. I've used drugs for a while to try and cope but it's just a temporary escape, all my issues are still there.
Tl;Dr Psychedelics over mdma, they can help but they are no fix. Research shit before you take it.