Psychiatry is all about power control. If you act or talk out of line, they increase your doses

Oh another thing that delayed my finding a job and a significant other is I began to have OCD, I delayed those things myself thinking I could not handle responsibility. I also began to have real asthma issues. I was taking lamictal and then taking Seroquel to deal with the OCD stuff. I have since learned that both those drugs can cause breathing issues and that lamictal can cause OCD. It first manifested the week they doubled my dose after a forced lockup. I have been beating myself up as a broken piece of shit this whole time and I just found out it could’ve been this pill all along. It also may be delaying my fertility when my husband and I are already on the later side of that. I wake up in the middle of the night gasping for air and we finally put it together. The entire time I’ve been talking to docs about all this not one single one ever said it could be a med. I kept them informed totally and they didn’t ever suggest it. Just put me on more.

On Monday I speak to my doctor about weaning off lamictal as I already wean off Seroquel now. I’m scared shitless because the withdraw is hell the one time I tried it, and then I was locked up and I’m so used to being told I HAVE to take my meds or else. But My other option is gasping for air and OCD. I feel that both paths are a nightmare and know I have to wean off and pray to god I can stay stable and it’s not too terrible. I could risk having seizures when I never did before.

This is all because I acted eccentric and partied a bit too much in college. All of this.

/r/Antipsychiatry Thread Parent