The Psychology Of Alpha...

I can't help but commend you again. You have risen above your fellows because you're the only one here who both takes the long view and preaches it. To simplify your influence upon me:

  1. Your emphasis that MGTOW is merely a transitory phase (although a necessary one). MGTOW as a man's final destination (as other MGTOWs preach) is well and good, except for the fact that our foreign enemies (who are still powered by patriarchy, as you say) are patiently waiting (for decades if need be) for us to self-destruct, so they can invade us. At that point, the best we can hope for is to trade away our liberty for security, because the worst case scenario is that they will kill us all and take away our territory and natural resources (the envy of the world, as in "the breadbasket of the world"), populating it with only their own. THAT is the problem with being MGTOW (that is, opting out of society, as in "herbivore men"). That's also the problem with TRP rule #1 (you know, the fight club rule 1 and 2).

  2. So how do we avoid such an ignominious fate? Should we broadcast (through television and radio) harsh red pill truths to everyone? After all, this subreddit is only used by those who seek us out; rather, should we force-feed TRP to the unwitting masses of men who happened to change channels or turn the radio dial to our station (if we had one)? No, because then we'd hit rock bottom too quickly, the masses of men all becoming non-participants in society (including soldiers), giving our foreign enemies (who have "patriarchy inside" like "Intel Inside ®") the opportunity to subjugate us.

  3. The final shocking conclusion: we need to let the matriarchy win. That is, we need to let the feminists, SJWs, and their ilk win and corrupt the entire world. That way, everyone is brought down to our level, and when we fail we all fail together. Then no decisive strategic advantage is given to any player on the world stage. At that point of failure, when we hit rock bottom, society descends into chaos for a time, and then we "reboot", starting over but instilled with patriarchy values as before (both out of survival necessity and because of the previous red pill influence). So...Hillary 2016. Go, Hillary, go (barf).

/r/TheRedPill Thread