Psychology bachelor's level jobs (aside from HR)

In the USA, good luck with a bachelor's of psychology. It was worthless to me until years later when I went on to an advanced degree. You might be able to get work as a substance abuse counselor in a residential program, work with autistic kids, or other low level community mental health jobs, but the pay is not good, and you're basically disposable.

And if anyone tells you "you can get into marketing", well, as I found out, that's what a marketing degree is for. And if anyone tells you "a bachelor's in psych gives you an understanding of people and an advantage on the job" or something along those lines, well, theory rarely translates to reality. My psychology degrees are regularly trampled by the feet of boundless human irrationality.

If you really want to work in the mental health field, you really should consider an advanced degree. That's where the legitimate money is.

/r/askpsychology Thread