Psychopath Marco Rubio laughs about 9 people dying in a Venezuelan Hospital because of a power cut

I don’t know who David Brock is, but That’s ok. If you look at the OP’s post history, he’s been around for 11 days and posted stuff like this and how horrible all the other candidates are. It’s suspicious. And people fall for it. I don’t mind downvotes - they’re democratic. I do mind people going so militant that they follow possible Russian bots blindly and give the rest of us who genuinely care about Bernie’s platform for our country a really bad name. And posts like these do that. If he’s not a bot and he feels that way genuinely then that bums me out. I’m not a fan of Ron or Rand Paul personally, but trying to whip up vitriol like they do on The Donald? We are better than that. We have to be.

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