As a psychotherapist subreddits like r/meirl and r/depression make me angry and I'll tell you why they are unhealthy for people with mental health problems

For a psychotherapist you seem pretty condescending and to offer nothing but empty generic platitudes. Also like you’re spending a lot of time on r/depression. I’ve never been to that reddit but do you think it’s causation or correlation? Perhaps being on a Reddit like that isn’t in fact doing anything of ill consequence, merely giving people a place to find commonality, humor, or empathy they can’t get in their real world lives. Most people don’t need to hear go talk to a therapist, people care about you, here’s the number to a hot line. If you even come close to saying the same kind of meaningless unhelpful rhetoric you repeatedly used in your post with patients I feel bad for them. Sometimes people just want to feel heard, validated, or vent their feelings.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread