As a psychotherapist subreddits like r/meirl and r/depression make me angry and I'll tell you why they are unhealthy for people with mental health problems

Because they are young, healthy and get help from the state, even if they are under 25 years old, but native germans that are between 18 and 25 dont get any help from the state at all if they dont go to a university or are learning a job, and i cant do either because that requires degrees that i dont have.

Therefore im a part of a tiny forgotten minority, i even asked the german Jobcenter if they could help me finding a job and they literally said "since you have no right to any financial aid we cant waste any ressources on you", thats messed up man, being told that youre not even worth for the shittiest jobs.

Im young, not healthy, small, i dont have experience, im weak, i dont have a driving license, the list could go on.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent