PSYCO241 with Kyle Nash

He's good shit. The class is interesting enough, he brings up quite a bit of original research - more so than any other psych class I've been to. He'll also make some interesting arguments regarding the validity of Freud even today, which is quite a change from what you've seen in 104/105.

There are no assignments and no participation mark, only exams - I think the weighting was 30/30/40.

The exams are the tricky bit. The first was a bit too easy - I think the average was about 5-7% higher than he wanted. The second was way too easy. He tried to make it harder and almost everyone did significantly better. On the other hand, the final, I thought he overdid the difficulty. I studied more for his final than for any other (partly because of how the exams were scheduled, partly because he warned us it would definitely be harder), but it was my second-worst final of the semester. Honestly, a bunch of the questions just didn't seem like they were in the text at all, and I typically read the text 3 times throughout a semester - each chapter as we go along, then review relevant chapters before a midterm and take notes, then read it all again before the final and take more notes.

So I'd expect your exams to still be uneven as he fine-tunes the difficulty. I'd guess the first will be too hard, and then he'll adjust from there.

Oh, and he's super accessible. He's always there for office hours and I was able to pop in even out of office hours on a couple of occasions, as I was seeing other profs before their midterms.

/r/uAlberta Thread