(PTR) You can Headshot Genji through Deflect..

I disagree. Headshot with Widow is much difficult than deflecting yourself so being invincible for good amount of moment to do finishing combo. I respect Genji also i respect how they get in, kill and get out. Genji do it melee, Widow do it ranged. Only thing i don’t have single respect is Deflect. It is indeed “punishing good aim” and just restricting who is fighting against. To fight against deflect you need specific heroes otherwise you can’t do anything but waiting for genji to kill you. So it is not about game sense it is about being restricted to “not shoot and wait for death” or “change hero so you can avoid one ability (deflect)” There is no other ability that requires this much change. And people blame Moira, Winston for “aimless heroes” what can people do against deflect?

Edit: I thought i post this as reply but it became “new comment” i have been writing on phone so... anyway. I will not write anything more people here can’t stand reasonable conversation and keep spamming downvotes. Also this post is not about “How Deflect is broken or not” also i am %100 sure that Overwatch community will never accept if Deflect is broken or not. Same community killed hog, mercy, ana and many heroes to this date. (hopefully many of them fixed by now) So enjoy your day.

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