Punishes for cent?

Regular gb - Just a heavy

Reg gb with wall - throw into charged heavy, full charged punch, (safe) heavy or (unsafe) unlock to light heavy. He has a light heavy combo while unlocked

OOS gb - throw, delayed kick, full charged heavy catching wakeup, punch, use safe option if they don't connect with a wall while falling from the punch because you can't run up to use the unsafe option.

Long range parry - parry counter, heavy. Parry counter can wallsplat so if they do, treat it as a gb with a wall.

Light parry (reflex guard) - full heavy in the same direction, punch combo. Only use unsafe option if they hit a wall while falling from the punch.

Light parry (normal guard) - Full charge heavy in a different direction, punch combo as usual.

Any conq parry, and shugoki with hyper up- parry counter if wall is directly behind him, otherwise gb.

/r/CompetitiveForHonor Thread