The Puppets Who Lead Us [10:56]

Submission Statement

From Kharkiv, Gustavo Lira talks about leadership in the West. He is not impressed. He starts off explaining that AOC was non-political and only got involved after answering a casting call. Ukrainian President Zelensky was groomed for his current role by an oligarch who funded a TV show in which Zelensky played the President, and soon enough, showbusiness became reality. Lira doesn't mention it, but something similar happened with Trump, who was built up into a leader by starring in a TV show in which he played the boss - The Apprentice. People watched the show and began seeing him as a leader, which he parlayed into his next role, being the actual President of the United States.

Western leaders are puppets being pulled in various directions by their puppeteers. They're being pulled all over the place by competing sets of puppeteers whose decisions often contradict each other. There's no one puppeteer at the top. There's several factions of puppeteers. So nothing is getting done. Nobody is in charge. Without effective leadership, the West is doomed. He says think what you want about Putin and Xi, but they are truly in charge of their countries. What they say, goes. They actually get things done that need to get done. So they're going to defeat us.

It took generations to build this society, but our ineffective leadership is throwing it all away. Think back to 2019 when things were still kind of 'normal'. Most of us would give anything to be back in 2019 before the shit really started hitting the fan. Things are very different now in 2022 and Lira says it's going to get much worse.

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