Purples by season?

S1: Sean comes to mind barely S2: Keith made f3 in most popular season and I don't remember him at all S3: didn't watch S4: paschal, got the purple rock so he had to be purple S5: the guy Brian won against, clay. S6: butch , I always think to myself, he made f5? Who the Eff is he S7: Darrah made final 4 on most favoured season and all I remember is her accent S8: the winner got a purple edit overshadowed by rob S9: Leeann was the pinnacle of the girls alliance and it never showed S10: Jenn almost won but had not much of an edit S11: Cindy has a much bigger in your face personality then was shown S12: Danielle S13: Becky, sundae S14: Stacey S15:Amanda S16: Alexis S17: Susie S18: Debbie S19: everyone but Russell H S20: Colby S21: Dan S22: everyone but Rob and Phillip S23: Sophie S24: Chelsea, Leif S25: artis S26/ everyone but dawn cochran and Phillip S27: Tina's daughter S28: Jefra bland S29: Wes S30: Kelly sierra guy with glasses S31: wiggles, Keith, kimmi S32: joe S33: Bret, sunday

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