Purpose of college

Job prospects in the sense I was using it is job opportunities.

Please don't spite me.

Sounds like a personal problem.

I'm just a very down to earth person

Nothing about appealing to money is "down to earth."

dislike abstractions to something very simple such as needing to feel like there has to be a sense of justice in everything

You have to be pretty fucking conceited to think that's a simple concept.

I just like to focus on the hard questions, what are you putting in and what do you get out of it.

Mental health is measurable. Happiness is measurable. Productivity is measurable. These are things you get out of your work.

Your worldview is super narrow if you only focus on money.

We're in a thread about the merits of non-STEM degrees. Please take the arrogant "I know better than you" bullshit elsewhere.

/r/college Thread Parent