Put a candle in the cake!!!We turned 1 year’s old today.

I just heard a podcast interview and came over to check out this subreddit. . Anyway, I have to tell you this subreddit is beyond what I expected.

Your wiki and the posts that I read contain some of the most impressive, helpful and on point information on the process of financial analysis that I ever seen publicly available on the internet. I don't just mean it's a great resource for analysis of cannabis stock, I mean this is a great resource for analysis of stocks period. Anyone new to stocks (and even some professional analysts I know) could learn a ton from your guys' processes and general approach to analysis as much of it can be applied to other stocks and other industries too. I didn't click every link in the wiki but what I saw read like the work of pros who know what they are talking about. And it's free! Man, maybe write a book or teach a class at Rotman or Ivey or something (we certainly didn't learn practical info at this level when I was doing an MBA back in the day). Congrats. Keep up the good work.

/r/TheCannalysts Thread