Reminds me of my greatest heist... I found a way into the alphas new base they were moving to. They had so much loot it was glorious. Me and my bud flew back and forth on argys taking everything we could and storing it on our other dinos (we only had a half finished stone base, so nowhere to really store everything we got). Well on our last run my bud had the great idea of throwing a grenade at all their jerboas... Almost instantly they called us out in chat. We took everything we could and put it on our argys, but they knew exactly where we were and caught us before we could leave. They meat ran our dinos instantly and found all their stuff. It was a sad day.

They were toxic alphas though, so even though we failed causing that little bit of an annoyance still makes me happy.

/r/ARK Thread Link - i.redd.it