This is why you put up barriers when stretching cables across a road

I do have a very, very slight amount of weakness in my left shoulder but it's only barely noticeable. Also if I move it in just the right position I can feel a slight popping. The spot on my knee healed, but sometimes the scar gets weird tingly sensations. Probably from the nerves being destroyed now regrowing.

The real permanent damage was with my finances. My boss refused to allow me a week to recover thus terminated me. In the state which this occurred, you do not need a reason to fire someone. I was astounded at this because my boss was my good friend as well. He was elderly, so I mowed his lawn, tended the shrubbery, helped make repairs around his house, etc... for free. I did this because I was thankful he picked me out of 900 applicants for a $38k per year job. In that town, $38k is an enormous salary.

My motorcycle was totaled because it ran for so long laying on its side, starved for oil. There's a cutoff switch when a bike tips, but it does not always engage. As I was riding it to the hospital the engine was on the verge of seizing and I could not rev it beyond 4000rpm. I had full coverage on the bike though.

I wasn't really living beyond my means, but I certainly did spend money on things that I wanted. I used credit cards which I would pay off in full every month. This boosted my credit score immensely. By age 23 my credit score was 738. I lost my job at the absolute worst possible time. Wasn't able to make the payments. Same with my school loans for flight school. Now my credit score is around 500. Slowly over a period of time I sold my valuables until I had nothing left. Just about the only thing I have to show for all of my debt is my commercial flight rating which is honestly useless. I just want a real job. I can't believe how difficult a time I've had landing a real full time job. I'm quite tired of putting my skills to use working retail. I'm an automotive technician, commercial rated pilot, sales of course, and a watchmaker. I know those skills aren't much, but I would give anything to earn $10/hr.

Several months ago I started a small business repairing antique pocket watches. I also buy broken ones, restore, and sell for a profit. I've made some money doing this, but not a lot. I'm limited by the tools that I'm unable to afford.

Sorry for the long post, but I've listed the lasting effects of the motorcycle accident.

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