Putin Is Making More on Oil Than He's Spending on Ukraine War

Ukrainian far right brigade started atrocities against russian speaking region of donbas and luhansk

You think the pro Russian people of Donbas and Luhansk haven't committed atrocites too, then you are VERY wrong. But even if it was one sided, none of that justifies a full on invasion of Ukraine.

The warcrimes committed by Russian solders against Ukrainian civilians are astronomical compared to anything that has happened in the regions prior to this Russian invasion.

It is the media that decides who is the bad guy and good guy .

You mean the state controlled media in Russia with hard censorship? Calling it not a war, but a special operation to remove nazi's from Ukraine? It is so laughably bad.

Let me ask you this.

Do you want to trust the Media of a single aggressor or the entire media of independent nations reporting on the issue, who are not governed by the same rules or censorship.

/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - newsweek.com