Putin went full Dugin in his latest speech as he declares war on "neoliberal culture". Dugin praised the speech as more significant than the annexation itself

It was literally a hub for refugees of all kinds and peoples streaming in from the East and had no millitary value. Stop defending the mass murder of civilians its disgusting. The railways wasn't targeted the entire city was and everyone of every age in it, that's the truth, It wasn't a railway bombing it was undeniably a terror and firebombing campaign .

The way you Americans or western europeans jump to defend this is something I will not be able to forget when your people become the victims of bombing. I'll be sure to return the favor and justify it, I might even celebrate it; millions of dead american civilians in indiscriminate terror bombing across the entire country?- Your people shouldn't have been a "millitary" or civic target of China/Russia then, it's your fault and if it isn't then we will simply forget all the lost lives because it was justified against American and its government is evil anyway. This is your logic.
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