it puts things into perspective, they said.

If you obsess so much about makeup i'd say to try and identify things that you can redirect your attention too. If tracking usage is frustrating and not rewarding of course project pans won't work. I don't like them that much either. You now have diverted your attention from buying to using but it's not bringing you joy. So i'd say when you are spiraling, watch some movies or bake a cake or start on a drawing or something. Take your mind off makeup.

We can obsess all we want about makeup buying and panning but it's still colorful powders and creams at the end of the day. It's not worth getting worked up about it, make a list of stuff you like doing and pick one when you do. And over time it can help not worrying so much about makeup

I'm at a point where i can go a long time without stuff tempting me or worrying that i don't see use on my stuff. I'm glad my makeup lasts a long time, it means i don't need to buy anything. I love doing my makeup, i do it almost every day, but it's a pretty chill time for me now. I can skip steps and not worry that my bronzers will last me couple more years

It will be fine, it's honestly not a big deal, none of it is. The most important thing is that you are happy, healthy and not in a financial burden. Makeup is supposed to be a nice thing you do for yourself to feel pretty and cool and fun, not to make you feel bad

/r/MakeupRehab Thread