PVE players,what drives you away from wanting to play PVP ?To the people who play both but play PVE more,why do you play PVE more?

Destiny is honestly the worst pvp experience I have ever had in any game ever in my entire life.

That is not hyperbole. I'm not a sweat, I play mw2, I run and gun, drop nukes (rarely) don't use meta loadouts, don't bunny hop or dropshot, use ARs or SMGs. Used to be really good at GoW (yes that dates me) way back in the day.

And destiny pvp is awful. It's just, the opposite of fun. There's little to no fun involved. You have an entire team full of people who are like autowalking into walls,against players who are auditioning for MLG teams it seems, or the opposite. You are the worst player on your team, but your team is spinning around like a helicopter shotgun sniping people from across the map while floating so high they had to divert incoming aircraft.

And it's not just "ohh sbmm" or "ohh cbmm" it's that they have seemingly designed pvp in this game to be as frustrating and completely unfun as possible. Like they COULD have made it fun,how friggen hard is it to make a fps shooter game? You throw people in some hallways and they pew pew each other over and over.

Pretty basic. But they come up with all these pathetic cheap gimmicks that just get abused to shit, and so the whole experience is awful.

90% of the time I decide to play destiny, turn it on, do some gambit, do some vanguard, go to do some crucible bounties and the match is a join in progress 3-88 where you die, spawn in front of the same guy, die, spawn in front of the same guy, die, spawn, die, spawn, see some ody, get shot in the back by some guy standing directly beside your whole team, who appear to all be afk enjoying the skybox in the background.

I just shut the game down and go play mw2. There's nothing enjoyable about it. It's a painful grind with no redeeming qualities that supposedly gets less awful if you stick with it, but still notably awful. There's no point.

You could not pay me enough money to play trials. It's all the obnoxious garbage of crucible, but now purposely designed so that the matchmaking is stacked against one team. The worst concept ever conceived.

Some enjoy it,and good for you, seriously. No hate. There is few things in the universe that sour my day as fast as booting up destiny pvp, and I'm a grown ass man I don't need to do something for entertainment that pisses me off and ruins my day.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread