PVP team composition for Vivian ?


mudkip at your command


I run vivi(tavatar) - himiko - maria/mew

  • himiko is core to abuse her dmg debuff with vivi's passivr

Usual allies (im recommending teams i have tried)

But since u said you dont have himiko - i might suggest using her with a dedicated tank like alex, + mew for added heal with vivians 3chain to keep alex alive. The reason for this is that vivian is incredibley fragile, sure you drop swords that can hit all 3 enemies 4.5k each sword, but shes glass when her passive isnt up.

  • nazrune, pair him with alex aswell, he deals alot of damage and he debuffs too that helps your team survive more, even better that he chases vivian 3chains. Solid pick

  • Maria + Mew, this one is tricky, basically both have EOG(Trans stongly recommended) keep your passive up as long as possible, one 3chain to get massive heals. This is for those dogfights, when you are vs teams that have high consistent damage but low bursts, those grind fights, vs those pesky korin-thor teams #\HEAL2WIN

  • try experimenting with chasers, 1block wonders or debuffers. Keep an open mind ( i suggest you open tome. Look at every 6* hero and ask yourself, would she/he work well with vivian? It did wonders for me)



  • attk: Rpen > HA/CD(only with CC mod)

  • def: Resist > DR > HP

  • funct: Lifesteal > CC

use vivian as a primary damage dealer, spec weapon mods in usually resistpenn and HA.

(R Falchion) I run Rpen,HA,Lifesteal on her to increase my effecrive health pool. You deal alor of damage and you have reduction, Lifeasteal for more ehp


Almost always anut, use anut if vivian passive is down or when their dps use skills like OD or MS or any bursts, keep her alive, 50 dmg reduction on your passive isnt usually enough to keep you alive

Keep in mind these are my opinions, chances are i missed alot of things, dont take this as gospel :)

Good Luck and Happy Dunking

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