The Pyramids of Giza. (Pretty human for scale)

This is a video from the man I'm talking about where he shows first hand the difference between sand cut stone and saw cut stone. He suggests they used tungsten carbide or diamond tipped tools, him and his associates are experts who have spent their lives learned and teaching about these places, its not just some sci-fi mumbo jumbo. They're suggesting that dynastic egypt (or those before them) were more advanced than we think.

These people moved stone blocks weighing tons 580 miles from the granite quarry.. this feat is insane for any group of people, I dont think we could do this today if we emulated their supposed techniques (log rolling, or tipping the stones, something that cant be done over uneven terrain or rocky hills which are in between the quarry and the Nile).

All I'm suggesting is that they were more advanced than we think.

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