Python plus excel.. Or python to replace Excel..

Professionally, you'll want to think about your longer term career at this place. The job currently works with an Excel-Jockey. If you change the job to Excel-Jockey + Python Guru, you've made you much more difficult to replace. Now if you want to stay in your current position, that's great. But if you want to advance, you've made yourself irreplaceable, which may get you a "we'd love to let you take this new position, but we need you where you are." So before deciding re-writing everything in Python, I recommend making sure your management is aware and approves of how you want to change the job and its workflow. Otherwise, your only way out of your job might be to leave the company (I know from experience!).

You should also look into whatever stack your IT organization supports.

Lastly, you might want to look at a tool like Alteryx. It's a fantastic tool for building reproducible workflows for gathering, cleansing, and reporting data. While it adds a different dependency for your position, it's a software tool that's very easy to learn and run - much easier than maintaining a set of Python scripts.

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