Q-ANON... i want to believe, but let's be honest, its bullshit

First of all, I don't live un the suburbs. I currently like in a Bulgarian Roma Village.

Secondly, people being treated poorly for their race is NOT OK. EVER. You think I should joyfully thrust my daughter into racist mobs because Americans used to be mean to black people?

Secondly...my daughter doesn't exist. I hope for a daughter one day. Currently, I have a son. HE IS A MINORITY GROUP. DO YOU UNDERSTAND MY WORDS? MY HUSBAND IS A MINORITY WHO IS DISENFRANCHISED, AND AS A RESULT, MY SON IS MIXED RACE. His skin, however, could never pass for black.

Do you think I should not worry that my son may suffer for his race? Do you think I should welcome his possible suffering because some other people that i, nor he, had anything to.do with, suffered one time?

Do you think that?

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