Q Family Outcast

I live in a state that was red since the 90's just until this last election.

I think only two states fit description. I'm originally from the East Coast one.

Dealing with family and politics is difficult. Politics and morality are inseparable and younger people tend to be more willing to spot hypocrisy and tell the emperor they have no clothes. While I haven't heard pedophile yet, I've been called a communist, leftist, and marxist which, without expounding on my personal politics, are all plainly wrong. (As an aside, anyone notice the inability of Q-adjacent people to differentiate between the three?)

Not fully knowing your situation, I can't give you advice but only comfort. In my case (I'm a little older with no financial dependence), I've taken the approach of just not engaging with the Q-adjacents other than videos of our pets. It's sad, but I want them to know the door is always open for redemption. Fully closing off those social bonds may push people farther into the abyss.

/r/QAnonCasualties Thread