[Q] Need help on mixed model for multi-response survey.

Let me clarify ...

So your A B C D E can take values 0 or 1. And a person can select "1" for more than one letter?

You could try row-binding A B C D E into "Y" and have a subject-wise random effect in addition to a letter-wise random effect.

I am assuming your data is structured as

Person A B C D E
1001 0 0 1 0 1
1002 1 1 1 1 0


Convert it to something like

Person Letter Y
1001 A 0
1001 B 0
1001 C 1
1001 D 0
1001 E 1
1002 A 1
1002 B 1
... ... ...


Then use glmer() as such

glmer(Y ~ <insert other X's> + (1 | Person) + (1 | Letter), family = "binomial", data = mydata)

Disclaimer though. There are many approaches to this problem but without knowing the context of what A B C D E mean, it's hard to give you a one method solve all approach. Even in the approach described above, there are different ways to specify the mixed effect model (e.g., do you really need the Letter-wise random effect? do you need more than random intercept? maybe random slope?). All of these things will have to be decided by the researcher with prior knowledge.

/r/statistics Thread