Q4ALL: why do some men on PPD claim that women cannot or do not enjoy sex?

About 75 percent of all women never reach orgasm from intercourse alone -- that is without the extra help of sex toys, hands or tongue. And 10 to 15 percent never climax under any circumstances.

Yesss, this is redditors favorite statistic ... for some reason.

Reality: Intercourse almost never occurs "alone", because foreplay is a really fun thing which most ppl probably do waay more than intercourse itself. And maybe something else has to happen too depending. But other surveys state its more like 70% of women have an orgasm during PIV sex 70% of the time (which generally fits my experience.)

And women are not like men, and orgasm is not the goal net for them. They are more up-and-down vs on-and-off. Women can have a half-a-dozen orgasms, or they can have none, and still be positive or negative about the experience depending on other factors.

Anyway, not bothering with your asetete troll gag, you just stepped in a reddit pile of poo.

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