Q4W: Why do women care so much about male dating preferences?

Okay I think the slut thing is more because of the hypocrisy and irony...like, those same guys usually actively try to have one night stands with women, and then deride them as sluts after they do.

It’s kind of like kicking someone until they cry, and then mocking them for being a crybaby. Like no not a perfect metaphor at all, but it’s one thing to say you prefer a less experienced person; it’s another to initiate one night stands and then condemn the woman involved but not the man.

The other reason is because of how certain guys very clearly only want someone inexperienced so they can manipulate her mind, which is disturbing.

These things are disturbing to other people; but the men who are like this are mistakenly assuming that women who are upset at them are upset because they, the women, are being rejected by these men, when they are entitled to the cock carousel and no one should judge them. That’s usually not what’s going on, it’s usually if there’s a hypocrisy or a creepiness factor, or at least for me that’s why. I don’t need those guy’s approval.

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