QC vs Diabotical, tourney with money is the answer.

I'm so much of a snobby purist that I'd rather fall back to what Quake was before the culture of forcing it to be a competitive esports took over. Quake used to be more simple balls out no brain action, where you could utilize raw movement and aim skill during combat, things weren't always this calculative and chessy... or more specifically ALL ABOUT IT.

I couldn't get down with Reflex simply for the fact that they took what made CPM fun and tried to mold it to complement a very specific competitive ruleset, that only 8 people like to play. Take the complete lack of func entities for example: no slide doors, no elevators and no moving platforms.

I also think people glorify the map editor too much. If you spent like maybe 1-2 days learning an older editor like radiant or trenchbroom, you'd realize how lackluster the Reflex map editor really is. The visual theme in itself is one big restriction as well. You'd be able to do so much more with traditional textures, even completely shaderless ones.

/r/QuakeChampions Thread