Question about consistently applying the principles behind a literal reading of 'This is my body.'

On the contrary, you are more than welcome to go through the dumps of the victims list so as to back up your claims. Here, I'll get you started:

If you search on "Date of Birth" and limit yourself to priests who were born in the 60's and later, you'll find a number of cases occurring in the era of mostly-female-altar-servers. You'll need to do that for the other recent dumps from Texas and elsewhere to get better statistics, and then compare with what the John Jay study reported, but it's all doable. I certainly see a number of instances where the girls were abused since 2000, and others where the abuser was a pedophile who browsed child porn of both genders, but boys still feature prominently, too.

But really, if you think that the homosexual-boosters in the hierarchy and elsewhere have not done something like this already, and if they noticed any sharp decline in the percentage of boys getting abused in the last few decades without publicizing this fact, then it seems you're the one who finds these people to be not particularly bright.

For what it's worth, some who have examined the PA report have not been reassurring about the link between homosexuality and abuse (Interestingly, Sullins, if I recall, DID say that for a few years things got better, but recently have regressed (whether or not that's related to the rise of the Jim Matins of the world is an open question). Note the following from Sullins' report p.35:

JJR2 argues further that the “substantial increase in the percentage of female victims in the late 1990s and 2000s, when priests had more access to them in the church” also demonstrates that priests abused more males earlier only because they had easier access to them.**This argument, however, neglects a sea change in the age of victims that took place in the 1980s and 1990s which is reported elsewhere in the John Jay reports.50 JJR1 reported that the percent of older male victims, BUT NOT FEMALE VICTIMS, rose dramatically from the 1980s to the 1990s, ]even] as the proportion of male victims declined [dramatically]. [Emphasis added.]

So it turns out there WAS an increase in the percentage of female victims, but it happened before altar-servers became mostly female, and it actualy UNDERCUTS your argument

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