Question about games writing

I just read my post back and ... yeah. It comes across as pretty arrogant. That wasn't my intention and I'm sorry for that.

What I was trying to do was lay out my thinking in order to ask whether I'm on the right lines. On the more objective stuff I have my own informed (which is not to say correct by any means) opinion and thought it'd be helpful to lay that stuff out in order to contextualise the other stuff. This is where I'm coming from and this is where I am, kinda thing. I realise now that's not how it reads. I welcome having my mind changed on any of it while realising that's too much to ask of you.

With the subjective stuff I'm guessing because I've never been subject to it and it's specifically that I'm asking for help with.

I apologise for how it came across.

your determination (both here and elsewhere) to stick to what you've decided in spite of feedback

I received feedback elsewhere when I didn't ask for it regarding stuff where I know what I'm doing and am doing it deliberately and thoughtfully. I'm not going to accede to feedback I think is wrong/inappropriate. I still welcome having my mind changed but it'd be a long discussion.

Here I'm specifically and explicitly asking for help with something I don't know about at all.

Go forth, and succeed or fail on your own merits.

That's the politest 'fuck off' I've heard.

Success for me would be enthusing anyone about a game I (or anyone else ends up writing on the site) find interesting without alienating anyone through careless/uneducated language or ideas. They're equally important to me and it's the latter I'm asking for help with (the former is down to my writing, which has a long way to go and with which I'd also welcome help).

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