Question about Tulpas through less empathetic and more pragmatic perspective

My girlfriend has a headmate who only comes out when she is so distressed and overwhelmed that she stops functioning. It’s a bit sad because I would like to get to know her headmate more, but she really doesn’t like fronting unless necessary.

DID systems may have specific triggers that bring an alter to the front to who can in turn deal with a certain situation or context. The dissociation protects the core from the trauma so well that the resulting mental barriers cause amnesia. Unfortunately this can introduce difficulties - not remembering where you are or what you were doing during a spontaneous switch, among others.

The ethics of doing something like this are obviously bad. Like others have mentioned, I think training the original with mental conditioning would be more directly effective. But a tulpa to help keep them company during long periods of isolation may help offset the damaging effects of social withdrawal. - Sen

/r/Tulpas Thread