[Question] Why am I feeling socially isolated?

What do you think will happen if you ask people to do something? Are you concerned they'll judge your choices? Or worried they'll reject your suggestion?

Why are you comparing your life to others? How happy are these other people? Do they enjoy the same things you do? How do you know if they are happier than you? Sometimes other people are no happier than you are and it takes someone to open up first for things to change. Maybe be the one to do that?

What are you accomplishing when you meet people for the sake of meeting people? What's your motivation? Sometimes we motivate ourselves because we are trying to meet other peoples' expectations, rather than doing what we want to do.

Try changing how you speak to yourself. It's fine to spend some time by yourself if that is what you want to do. Shaming yourself for spending an extra day in bed/at home will just make you feel worse. Statements such as 'feeling like a loser' and 'just need to get out of my comfort zone..' suggest you are being very tough on yourself.

/r/getdisciplined Thread