[Question] creating deformed mesh versions of a source mesh

function [V] = defomesh2(V, F)

            % for all vertices i in V
            for i =1:length(V)
             P = i
             % find corresponding triangles that contain vertex i in F
             N = F(find(P))

             % pick one triangle
            ind = randi(1,size(N))
            T = N(ind)
             % extract unique neighbor vertices from N
             NV = []

            %Scan through V to find unique neighbors of V(i)
                        for j = 1:length(V)

                                NV = unique(F(any(F==j,2),:)); 
%neighbors with node i, including node i

                                              %----removed node i ------------

                        %Modification of Vertex Coordinate Region

                                % extract vertex coordinates 
                                A = V(T(1))
                                B = V(T(2))
                                C = V(T(3))
                                % TODO: add check for -1 and sort points, 
such that A is i

%                                 A_0=find(TR_N(:,1) ==-1 & TR_N(:,2) 
==-1 & TR_N(:,3) ==-1) % Rows with only -1 entries
%                                  tmp_index = -1; % -1 entries in rows
%                                  if       TR_N==tmp_index
%                                            TR_N(TR_N == tmp_index) = 
F(TR_N == tmp_index) 
%                                     elseif TR_N == A_0
%                                                TR_N(TR_N == A_0) = 
F(TR_N == A_0)         
%                                     end 

                                    % calculate planes
                                P_1 = (C - A)/2
                                P1_length = sqrt(sum(P_1.*P_1))
                                P_2 = (B - A)/2
                                P2_length = sqrt(sum(P_2.*P_2))
                                % move A and replace vertex i in V with it

                         % replace vertex i in the original list
                         V(i,:) = P
                         V_New = V
/r/matlab Thread