Question for any worldbuilders knowledgeable about science re: simultaneous evolution of multiple humanoid races.

In Earth's long history, there is evidence that multiple species of hominids existed concurrently. Neanderthals and the early cro-magnons are one such example, though the current evidence suggests that the latter were growing in dominance when the former entered decline. But they coexisted nonetheless.

All that needs to happen is for all these humanoid races to share a common ancestor. How far back that goes is up to you. It could be another early hominid, or it could precede bipedalism.

The reason two entirely different species would form would be due to extremely different environmental factors and survival requirements. The diversion would likely need to take place at least several million years ago for them to be truly separate species, and not sub-species of the same species: this is because hominids have relatively low birth rates, high childbirth mortality rates, and offspring take a long time and lots of energy to rear. Differing cultures may also restrict how genes are spread, by having concepts such as monogamy or polygyny. Thus, it will take a much longer time for differences to enter and diffuse within a local population.

There will also have to be a driving force for new features to become necessary. Animals that are already well-adapted to their environment will change their phenotype very little or not at all, especially if the environment doesn't change much either.

All that's required is:

  1. The features you want perpetuated are found attractive and/or improve odds of survival, and there is pressure for them to exist.

  2. The features you want are possible with existing homology and physiology. Example: Humans already have body hair, it's just very light and downy. However, there's nothing to prevent it from becoming thicker or transforming into full-on fur. Nails can become claws. Hair can become defensive quills. Feathers would also be possible. Ears can become longer, can shift in position on the skull, gain fur, etc. Functional wings, on the other hand, would not be possible.

Do know that if you give something like your Vulpines faces that are like a fox's, they will lose the ability of human speech. This is because the human larynx is pushed down further in the throat than that of other animals-- it's the reason modern humans have such stupid-looking, squashed-in faces.

Do also know that these hominids have to be plantigrade. They can't walk on their toes the way most quadripeds do, because they have to balance on two feet rather than four. So no fox feet.

Also know that the reason nails have been selected for over claws is that it allows for much more sensitive and tactile fingers and toes. Animals with claws have padded toes with relatively little sensation, while hominids gave up claws for better gripping and sensory ability. So think that through carefully before you give these people cool-looking claws.

There's something called a sensory homunculus. This is meant to show a physical representation of the human somatosensory cortex-- specifically, how much brain area is dedicated to each part of the body. In humans, you'll notice it's the lips and hands. In a sensory fox-munculus, the representation would likely have a gigantic nose, mouth, and ears, with a tiny body (save for slightly larger paws). This is because animals like foxes explore the world primarily with their face, and humans explore them primarily with their mouth and hands. So consider this as well when designing your races.

/r/worldbuilding Thread