Question for the guides...

A bit of a rant here.

If you think being a guide will allow you to live the life you are dreaming about you are in for a surprise. Being a guide means bending over backwards for complete strangers. Its frustrating at times and some people can not be pleased. You could literally had a bag of money to some people and they would complain that its to heave.

You have to maintain all the gear and everything that entails. Boats, rods, reals and line, ect. Tying clients flies is a pretty gratifying part of the job till they lose some of your best work on their first cast.

As a guide, everything is your fault. Until a client catches a fish, that was all them of-course and you had no part in helping them hook up or land it. It was their skill alone that got them on fish. They will remind you of this constantly.

The best clients are the ones who never fish. These clients listen to advise and implement your instructions to the letter. Experienced anglers (most but not all) already know everything there is to know about your fishery. They do not care for advise and will make a point of scuffing at you anytime you try to suggest some pointers. Experienced anglers (broad brush here) will criticize your knots, casts and everything in-between. Experienced angles who bring their wives along are fun trips. The wives listen and catch fish. Then their husbands mockingly say things like "beginners luck". as a rule of thumb woman do better than men on guided trips. They don't pack an ego in their day pack like most of their husbands.

You will spend more time then you ever thought possible doing paper work. Log books, licenses, permits, website, promoting, bookings, emails the list goes on and on.

This really comes off as a discruntled guide who hates his job. This is not the case. There is no high like putting clients on fish. Seeing that they are having the time of their lives. You get to be part of life long memories, you get to be part of their family for a while. I've made some really great friends guiding. I know there are pictures of me on walls all around the world. People recount their stories of catching the biggest and sexiest fish while you guided them. And the stories grow each time they're told. "My guid was 7 feet tall if he was an inch. A beard down to his knees. He smelled of fish and bug dope. He was the best guide ever!"

/r/flyfishing Thread