I have a question for the ladies out there…

You can feel a difference, but it does depend on how drunk you are, too. I don’t believe it has ever happened—in more recent years to me, but truthfully I wouldn’t know for sure though I haven’t been that drunk in years around someone I didn’t trust either, but I’d be angry as hell. That’s not okay, and I’d never consent to it. With my first boyfriend, who was a virgin when we got together, the condom broke once during and I could tell there was difference (but was too young to realize exactly what happened during) and saw it changed on his face but he kept going. Many years later I think how fucked I would’ve been if I’d gotten pregnant. It was wrong to keep going like that. No one should do that.

Get tested and plan b asap. Also don’t trust them again. That is not okay.

/r/sex Thread