A question for the ‘mature’ gamer - is the FIFA community a microcosm of society, or merely a representation of how people interact on social media?

I get what you are saying but I haven't seen any evidence from those who claim scripting/handicapping/momentum doesn't exist to support their claims.

So your post says "Society as a whole seems less willing to look at evidence and fact and people are generally happy to accept confirmation bias". As I said to someone earlier this week, claiming that these things don't exist and not providing evidence to support these claims is also a form of confirmation bias. It works both ways. So until evidence comes out that the game doesn't provide a handicap to some players and manipulates the outcomes of games to add some dramatic moments, then people will always base their opinions on what they are experiencing.

I'm starting to think that my problems with this FIFA are in fact down to connection tot he servers, but the fact that it mainly happens when playing WL and not when I'm playing DR during a WL makes me question whether or not the game is providing an advantage to me or my opponents in a lot of games.

/r/FIFA Thread